12 Days of Christmas Campaign

Quad Cities Christian Early
Childhood Education Program

From ages 3 years and up

In a loving Christian environment, our purpose is to guide and encourage children into a love of learning from 3 years through 5 years of age. Within our three classrooms, we are able to meet each child’s social, emotional, and academic potential. Using the developmental approach, children will explore to learn, based on their unique interests and skills. Within these experiences, children will gain the self-confidence they need to feel successful in their abilities. We look for God and His Creation in everything we do and share the love of Jesus with each other.

Daily lessons include literacy skills, with a strong phonics approach to reading. This will include letter recognition and sounds, working up to letter blends and phonic books. In our older classrooms, many of our students are able to read books before the end of the year. We also believe in the value of handwriting and provide other necessary activities to promote fine motor skills. Our math concepts begin with number recognition, counting, patterning, and puzzles. They will continue to grow in our program with knowing the value of a number, one to one correspondence, counting to 100, and counting by 10s. We provide biblical history through weekly Bible stories and memory verses starting with Creation and working our way to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Child-directed play strategies give children an environment in which to strengthen skills in expressing and regulating emotions and opportunities to make friends. We understand the importance of balancing the academic part of our day with learning through play.

Teachers provide support in thinking and making sense of a child’s world. It is our passion to nurture your child’s sense of curiosity and wonder to start them on a journey to a bright future.

Our preschool offers care Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The school-day is 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Lead teachers receive students into their classrooms at 8:00 a.m. Dismissal begins at 3:25 p.m., and our students transition into aftercare at 3:45 p.m. All students have access to Before Care and Aftercare at $5 for each per day. Aftercare is from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Students can come in what they feel is comfortable. Closed toe shoes that fasten are also required. Occasionally we have special days that require specific clothing. In these cases, teachers will give advanced notice and will clearly communicate to parents.

We seek to provide daily rest time for all students. Mats labeled with each child’s name are set up in the classrooms. As children are asked to lie quietly, teachers play music to help them relax. All children are given the opportunity to sleep. Parents are required to provide a blanket and pillow. Children may also bring a stuffed animal if they wish. If children are unable to sleep, they may look at books or draw quietly on their rest mats. Afterward children take part in art activity or a continuation of the morning project and outdoor playtime.

We ask that parents provide a lunch for their child — either from home or purchased through our dining service. School lunch can be ordered each day by submitting a form to the teacher. Our Admin team will bill through your FACTS account, our student information system. We are unable to heat up any food.

A morning and afternoon snack will be provided; we try to provide a variety of options, taking food allergies into consideration. 

A calendar of preschool events will be sent home on a monthly basis. Daily communication is provided through the child’s folder, which informs parents of daily happenings — along with messages from the teacher. Teachers will communicate with families through the folder, email, FACTS, or by phone when helpful. Please message your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns. We believe communication is the key to successful teacher and parent partnerships. If issues of conflict arise, we ask parents and teachers to speak directly with one another. If additional support is needed, the principal may be asked to assist.

No supplies are needed.

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